Alors qu'est-ce qu'un assignment ? C'est simplement un devoir à faire à la maison sur un sujet donné ! Le but est de recracher un maximum d'information préalablement trouvé via diverses sources: livres, journaux, internet ... La technique: la paraphrase ! chose totalement interdite en France quand des documents sont fournis lors d'un devoir sous peine de mauvaise note !!!
Le sujet de mon assignment : la biographie de Monsieur Rupert Murdoch ! Qui est-il me demanderez-vous ! Le mieux c’est que je vous présente mon devoir ! Comme ça vous pourrez en même temps admirer mes progrès en anglais !
Rupert Murdoch Biography
Rupert Murdoch, who is an Australian billionaire, is the major shareholder and the Chief Executive Officer of News Corporation. This company is one of the world’s largest and most influential media companies. Murdoch influenced the media’s evolution as well as the politics of countries such as the USA and England thanks to the power which he wields over the various forms of media. This assignment examines the Murdoch’s family background, his career and the contribution of Rupert Murdoch to the society.
Keith Rupert Murdoch was born in Melbourne, Australia, on the 11th of March 1931. He was the second son of Sir Keith Murdoch who was a distinguished journalist and Australia’s most influential newspaper executive. He attended the Oxford University in England where he studied philosophy, politics and economics. In 1952, after his father’s death, he returned in Australia where he inherited a daily newspaper, the Adelaide News, and took control of its (Investing Value and Encyclopedia of World Biography, n.d.).
During the next years after the inheritance, Rupert Murdoch began the expansion of his holding. In 1960, he bought The Daily Mirror, the Sydney afternoon paper. Later, in 1964, he launched The Australian which began Australia’s first national daily newspaper. From 1969 to the end of 1990’s, he moved to the United Kingdom and acquired a large number of English language newspapers, in particular the prestigious London Times. Moreover, at the same time, he invested of another media: television. The United States does not permit foreign nationals to own broadcast stations. In order to maintain his control of Fox Television, Murdoch became a citizen of the US, in 1985 (Investing Value, n.d.; Encyclopedia of World Biography, n.d.).
Nowadays, Rupert Murdoch has become an influential individual in the world of media with the size of his media holdings. All information, which appears in his newspapers or in the TV shows on his television channels, is controlled by him. Moreover, Rupert Murdoch has a strong social, economic and politic impact on the society. His wealth has enabled him to exert political influence around the world, particularly in the Anglo-Saxon countries. For example, the American review (2010) mentions that the businessman uses his holding to make a donation of an amount of US $ 1 million to the Republican Governors Association. This contribution proves that Murdoch exerts a strong influence in politics although he claims that information dealt with his newspapers or his channels’ television is fair, balanced and objective.
In summary, a large number of newspapers in Anglo-Saxon countries are controlled by Rupert Murdoch. He is one of the most influential businessmen in the word thanks to his power in his holding of media and his wealth. These allow him to control a vast amount of information and exert influence on politics in some Anglo-Saxon countries.
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Enjoy it ! ;-)
Non mais je rêve, in english : I dream , tu crois que je peux lire ton charabia je capte pas deux mots d'anglais!!!!! ceci dit le pêre Ruppert m'a appeller l'autre jour, comme souvent, et bien sûr il a fallu que je lui souffle la dernière une du "daily mirror" ......... je me demande ce que les anglophones feraient sans les français.............!!!!
RépondreSupprimerA oui ! ça ne m'étonne pas ! il me semblait bien que tu m'avais déjà parlé de ce gars là ! ^^